Erectile Dysfunction

Stem Cell Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a condition in where a male patient can’t maintain an erection, due to damaged nerves and blood vessels.

Our stem cell treatment for Erectile Dysfunction consists of depositing allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells directly into the male genital organ, to regenerate the damaged nerves and blood vessels which are affecting the patient’s ability to maintain or produce an erection, we can also reduce the inflammation and limit the overall proper functioning of the patients reproductive system.

Benefits from stem cell treatment for Erectile Dysfunction can vary from patient to patient depending on many factors including current health condition, medical history, level of damage and other factors. It is important to understand that although the use of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell injections for damaged nerves and blood vessels regeneration has shown some of the highest efficacy for treating this condition, patients undergoing this treatment should not create the false expectation of a guaranteed cure.

How is our stem cell therapy-transplant for Erectile Dysfunction done in Mexico?

Our stem cell treatments for Erectile Dysfunction uses allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells obtained from an exclusive cryopreservation process that ensures more than 97% viability at the time of transplantation, combined with Platelet Rich Plasma therapy in order to achieve optimal functioning properties in the regeneration process of the tissues affected, this is the highest efficacy process available in Mexico, which operates under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), national and international standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the American Association Tissue Bank (AATB) and Official Mexican Standards corresponding to the General Law of Health.

The procedure is a minimally invasive treatment administered by our urologist, in which adult stem cells are injected directly into the patient’s male genital organ to help improve our patients’ ability to produce or maintain an erection and decreasing inflammation and repairing damaged tissue. Our stem cell treatments for Erectile Dysfunction are all done by our stem cell specialist and urologist Dr. Moises A. Mendoza Sotelo, with more than 10 years in experience the field, specializing in general urology, urological oncology, endourological and percutaneous laser surgery.

Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction FAQ’s

Stem Cell Mexico is a team of board-certified specialist led by our chief medical director Cesar Amescua, an experienced and recognized stem cell treatment specialist, anesthesiologist and pain medicine expert with over 30 years of practicing experience. He also serves as medical director for the prestigious Angeles Hospital in Tijuana (where we are currently located) and is one of the most reputable names in the medical community in Mexico.

Benefits from stem cell treatment for Erectile Dysfunction can vary from patient to patient depending on many factors including current health condition, medical history, level of damage and other factors. It is important to understand that although the use of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cell injections for damaged nerves and blood vessels regeneration has shown some of the highest efficacy for treating this condition, patients undergoing this treatment should not create the false expectation of a guaranteed cure.

Our patient satisfaction level for Erectile Dysfunction patients after their stem cell treatment is high. However, it’s important to understand that the effectiveness of the treatment is tied up with many factors including, age, medical history, and general lifestyle of the patient.

We pride ourselves in being the safest and most honest stem cell treatment clinic in Mexico. All of our stem cell treatments are reviewed and administered by subject manner specialist in the area who have been trained in both US and Mexico, not just general medicine doctors or physicians, to ensure the highest level of precision, understanding of the condition and quality of treatment for our patients. We are 100% clear and honest with our patients, not everyone is a candidate for our stem cell treatments, we turn-down many patients where our specialist deems not a good fit for the treatment, to avoid false promises or expectations when the risks outweigh the benefits. Our Erectile Dysfunction procedure is a minimally invasive treatment administered by our urologist Dr. Moises A. Mendoza Sotelo, with more than 10 years in experience the field, specializing in general urology, urological oncology, endourological and percutaneous laser surgery.

The prices of our treatment can vary depending on the personal needs of the patient (if they require special accommodations or lodging needs) and the quantity of stem cells needed for the best benefit. Our prices include:

  • Ground transportation from San Diego to our clinic and back
  • Treatment from a certified subject manner specialist
  • Certified allogenic stem cells with 97% viability though our exclusive preservation process
  • Personal Case Manager
  • Follow up.

How does our stem therapy treatment for Erectile Dysfunction process work?

All our stem cell treatments in Mexico are reviewed and administered by subject manner specialist in the area trained in US and Mexico, not just general doctors or physicians, to ensure the highest level of precision, understanding of the condition and quality of treatment for our patients. We are 100% clear and honest with our patients, not everyone is a candidate for our stem cell treatments, we turn-down many patients where the our specialist evaluates the current health condition and medical history and deems not a good fit for the treatment, to avoid false promises or expectations when the risks outweigh the benefits. For this reason and to ensure patient safety in all our treatments, all our patients get evaluated by the specialist before being able to schedule their treatment.

Step 1. Specialist Evaluation – For Erectile Dysfunction patients, our specialist will need to know the patient’s age and previous medical treatments. In addition, will need to review your Total and Free Testosterone Test, Complete Blood Count (CBC), SMAC-32 Chemistry Screen, Previous Cardiovascular Problems and Drug Consumption.

Step 2. Specialist Phone Consultation (Free) – Once the specialist has reviewed the medical records and approved your case, we will present options and pricing, at which point we will also offer a free phone consultation to discuss questions and concerns.

Step 3. Stem Cell Preparation – Once the patient decides to get our treatment, we will send a deposit invoice to begin the stem cell preparation process to be ready in time for the scheduled treatment. This process can take anywhere from 5-10 days depending on current demand and availability.

Step 4. Treatment Day – The day of the treatment, patients can either arrive at our hospital location or decide to get our complimentary round-trip ground transportation from any point within San Diego area into our hospital premises in Tijuana and back. Our driver will pick you up at the desired location and accompany you into our clinic where the specialist will administer your treatment, and then take you back.

Step 5. Treatment Follow-up – Our follow up specialist will check in with you according to our follow up calendar for your specific treatment to ensure you have all the tools at your disposal for maximum benefits.

Stem Cell Therapy Mexico Patients

Our patients are our biggest advocates, listen to their stories,
questions, doubts, experiences.

Thank you Pamela for sharing your Stem Cell experience with us.

Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness. Thank you so much for trusting us Melisa

Thank you Alexander for sharing your Stem Cell journey.

Thank you Alexander for sharing your Stem Cell journey.

Stem Cell Treatment Center in Tijuana, Mexico

Chief Medical Director Dr. Cesar Amescua

Stem Cell Therapy Mexico is the leading and most trusted name for stem cell treatments in Tijuana, Mexico. We help patients of all ages from around the globe, who suffer from complex illnesses and health conditions, which are believed not treatable through conventional medicine

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